Key Safeguarding Forms, Tools, Standards & Frameworks

There are a range of key forms, tools, standards and frameworks used in Wakefield to assist you in helping to keep children safe and to promote their well-being.

View by clicking on the 'on this page' drop down menu above and select the section you'd like to visit.

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Within this forms section you'll find:

  • Multi-Agency Referral Form (MARF)
  • Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) Consultation & Screening Form
  • Notify WSCP of a Child Death
  • Partnership Intelligence Portal (PIP)
  • Child Protection Conference (CPC) Forms
  • Prevent in Wakefield
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Multi-Agency Referral Form (MARF)
  • What is the MARF?
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    This form should be used to refer a child and family to one of the following services:

    1. A service from the Children First Hub where you have identified a child and family need support and have consented in relation to:

    ·        Unemployment/financial hardship

    ·        Domestic Abuse

    ·        Mental health or other health difficulties

    ·        Drug or alcohol misuse

    ·        School attendance problems

    ·        Crime and anti-social behaviour problems

    ·        Children who need help

    2. A service from Children’s Social Care where you are worried about the safety of a child and/or the parents’ capacity to meet a child’s care needs.

  • When should I use it?
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    Before completing and submitting a MARF to the Integrated Front Door (IFD), please call 0345 8503 503 in the first instance to discuss. As part of this discussion the IFD will advise on next steps to take and whether a MARF should be completed

  • Where do I submit a referral?
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    After calling the IFD and being advised to complete a MARF. Once completed please submit this to

  • Where can I download the MARF?
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    The latest version of the MARF is available to download below:

    MARF Referral Form

  • Further Guidance
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    For further guidance on the MARF and the referral process in Wakefield, please view the Worried About a Child page and the Integrated Front Door (IFD) & Multi-Agency Screening Hub (MASH) Operational Guidance.

    For Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) at schools and colleges please view the DSL checklist for referrals.

Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) Consultation & Screening Form
  • What is the LADO Consultation & Screening Form
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    The LADO Consultation & Screening Form has been designed to help all agencies working with children record and refer information when an allegation has been made against a a person who works or volunteers with children.

  • When should the form be used?
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    The LADO Consultation & Screening Form should be used when an alleged a person who works or volunteers with children has:

    ·         Behaved in a way that has harmed a child, or may have harmed a child;

    ·         Behaved towards a child or children in a way that indicates she or he may pose a risk of harm to children, or

    ·         Possibly committed a criminal offence against or related to a child;

    ·         Behaved in way which indicates they are unsuitable to work with children

    Any allegation made against a person who works or volunteers with a child should be referred to the LADO no later than 24 hours of becoming aware of the incident.

  • Where do I submit a referral?
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    Once a LADO consultation & screening form has been completed, it should be submitted to

  • Where can I download the LADO Consultation & Screening Form
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    The latest version of the LADO Consultation & Screening Form can be accessed below:

    LADO Referral Form

    To make an initial contact by phone please call 01977 72703. Please note a phone contact will need to be followed up in writing by completing and submitting the LADO Referral Form.

  • Further Guidance
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    The LADO team in Wakefield have produced a LADO One Minute Guide and LADO poster which can be accessed for further information.

    To speak to a member of the LADO team in Wakefield, please call 01977 727032.

Notify WSCP of a Child Death
  • How do I inform WSCP a child has died?
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    Wakefield has a joint Child Death Overview Panel (CDOP) with Kirklees and as such shares a notification system.

    Professionals in Wakefield who become aware of a child death should notify WSCP as soon as possible via the e-CDOP Online Portal –

    Please note, an account is not required to make notification of a child death. Once presented with the e-CDOP Online Portal, click ‘Submit Notification Form A’ to proceed.

  • Further Guidance
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    Please contact Kerry Till, WSCP Business Support Co-ordinator for any child death related queries – / 01924 306497 or visit Wakefield Child Death Arrangements page for a range of information and guidance.

Partnership Intelligence Portal (PIP)
  • What is the PIP?
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    The PIP is an internet based portal which provides services to share intelligence with West Yorkshire Police securely and confidentially.

  • How do I use the PIP?
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    The service you work for will need setting up, please see – to request access.

    Once your service is set up, you will be able to submit intelligence to the police here –

  • When and why would I submit intelligence to the police?
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    Intelligence submitted through the PIP could include a

    variety of points such as:

    – information about a concerning incident or suspicious activity;

    – an usual exchange between two or more people;

    – something which makes you feel uncomfortable

    In terms of safeguarding children, have the bigger picture in mind. Are there locations in a child’s community outside of their home which are a worry? A park, a building, a street, a shop front, a car? Where crime could be taking place.

  • Further Guidance
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    In June 2021, WSCP developed a PIP Toolkit and ran a internal campaign. The toolkit included a host of resources including an explanation video, presentation, intelligence sharing one minute guide, alongside key messages and graphics. To access the toolkit, visit the WSCP Campaigns page.

National Referral Mechanism (NRM)
  • What is the NRM?
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    The National Referral Mechanism (NRM) is a framework for identifying and referring potential victims of modern slavery and ensuring they receive the appropriate support.

    Modern slavery is a complex crime and may involve multiple forms of exploitation. It encompasses:

    – human trafficking

    – slavery, servitude, and forced or compulsory labour

    A child or adult could have been a victim of human trafficking and/or slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour.

    Victims may not be aware that they are being trafficked or exploited, and may have consented to elements of their exploitation, or accepted their situation. If you think that modern slavery has taken place, the case should be referred to the NRM so that the Single Competent Authority (SCA) can fully consider the case. You do not need to be certain that someone is a victim.

  • How do I use the NRM?
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    If you’re a first responder working for a designated organisation like the police, you can use this service to:

    – refer potential victims of any age to the National Referral Mechanism

    – help potential victims receive support and medical care

    – notify the Home Office of potential victims (Duty to Notify)

    If your organisation is not listed as a designated organisation you can still report modern slavery. Call the modern slavery helpline on 0800 0121 700 or report it online.

  • Further Guidance
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    NRM guidance can accessed from the website here – National referral mechanism guidance: adult (England and Wales) – GOV.UK (

Child Protection Conference (CPC) Forms
Wakefield District Domestic Abuse Service Referral Form
  • What is the Wakefield District Domestic Abuse Service (WDDAS)?
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    Everyone has the right to live a life free from fear and abuse.

    WDDAS is a team of colleagues who are trained to support you through domestic abuse and talk to you, as much as you feel comfortable, about your current situation.

    For more information, click here.

  • Where can I access the WDDAS Referral form?
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    For the latest information, guidance and form in relation to the Wakefield District Domestic Abuse Service, click here.

Prevent in Wakefield
  • What is Prevent
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    The purpose of Prevent is to safeguard and support vulnerable people to stop them from becoming radicalised, terrorists or supporting terrorism. 

    Prevent is one of the four core elements of the Government’s CONTEST strategy for countering terrorism, it is built around four strands, each with a number of objectives:

    – Pursue

    – Protect

    – Prepare

    – Prevent

  • Where can I access Prevent Referral forms?
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    For the latest information, guidance and forms in relation to Prevent in Wakefield, visit Wakefield Council Prevent page

  • What is the Prevent Duty Toolkit?
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    The Prevent Duty Toolkit supports the delivery of the Prevent duty by local authorities in England and Wales by providing practical information and suggestions to prevent people from becoming a terrorist or supporting terrorism. It includes examples of good and best practice on putting the Prevent duty guidance into action. For more information visit the Government’s Prevent Duty Toolkit for local authorities webpage.

Tools, Standards & Frameworks

Within this tools, standards & frameworks section you'll find:

  • Neglect Toolkit
  • Wakefield Safe Sleep Standard
  • Continuum of Need
  • Resilience Framework
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Neglect Toolkit
  • What is the Neglect Toolkit?
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    The Neglect Toolkit is for practitioners who work directly with children and families in Wakefield to use to help identify levels of risk in relation to neglect, clarify and support decision making, and identify next steps.

    The toolkit does not replace professional judgement.

  • Where can I download the toolkit from?
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    The latest version of the Neglect Toolkit can be accessed below:

    WSCP Neglect Toolkit

  • Further Guidance
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    The Neglect Toolkit includes guidance notes, in addition the WSCP One Minute Guide on Neglect includes some further guidance on the toolkit.

Wakefield Safe Sleep Standard
  • What is the Safe Sleep Standard?
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    The Wakefield Safe Sleep Standard provides guidance and resources to use to promote safe sleep practice:

    – Definitions on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), co-sleeping, bed sharing and overlaying

    – What best practice looks like

    – Engaging parents in safer sleep practices

    – Key messages on co-sleeping, bed sharing, SIDS, breastfeeding, co-bedding, swaddling, dummy use, carriers and slings

    – Resources for parents and practitioners

    – Safer Sleep Questions

    – Overlay Risk Assessment

  • Who is the standard for?
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    Wakefield Safe Sleep Standard is for anybody who works or comes into contact with children and families in the district.

  • Where can the standard be downloaded from?
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    The latest version of the standard can be accessed below:

    Wakefield Safe Sleep Standard

Continuum of Need
  • What is the Continuum of Need?
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    The Continuum of Need is a reference tool developed for all practitioners who work or volunteer with children and families.

    It is designed to assist in making decisions about interventions so that children and families receive the right help at the right time from the most appropriate service(s).

  • What does the Continuum of Need do?
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    – Sets out levels of need and details the processes to be followed when unmet need has been identified

    – Describes Early Help, when to provide early help, explains when to complete an Early Help Assessment and when to consult with Children’s Social Care

    – Provides guidance on when to conduct an Education Health and Care (EHC) assessment and when to refer to Education, Health and Care Panel in line with the Children and Families Act 2014

    – Provides examples of possible indicators that will assist practitioners to establish the level of need and the response that is required

  • Where can I access the Continuum of Need from?
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    The latest version of the Continuum of Need below:

    Wakefield Continuum of Need

  • Further Guidance
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Resilience Framework
  • What is the Resilience Framework
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    The Resilience Framework was developed to provide practitioners who work with children and families with:

    – A consistent, evidence-based and practical approach to promoting resilience therefore reducing risk of adverse outcomes

    – The means to provide good quality interventions to promote resilience and reduce risk to all children and young people

    – A programme that is cohesive and developmental from 0-19 years

    – An approach that puts the child at the centre and focuses on their competences.

  • What does the Resilience Framework aim to do?
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    The purpose of the framework is to help reduce the risk of poor outcomes and increase a child’s resilience, in doing-so aiming to improve health, educational and social outcomes.

    The framework has a number of supporting tools including an online questionnaire and a trauma-responsive conversation tool; which help to identify protective factors as well as areas to build or overcome to reduce poor outcomes. The competences from within the framework can be used to create a bespoke questionnaire to support an Early Help or Health Needs assessment. The Resilience Framework compliments any assessment process.

  • How should the Resilience Framework be used?
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    Practitioners accessing the framework have the freedom to adapt the example schemes of work (session plans) to suit the needs, age and ability of the children they are working with.

    The eight competence areas

    The framework has 8 main areas; the aims of each area are identified below …

    1. Loving myself (self-awareness)

    To develop a positive sense of self, self-esteem and self-confidence (including race, religion, gender, sexuality, ability/disability and age)

    To understand that the way I feel about myself can affect the choices I make

    To be able to demonstrate feelings of belonging and acceptance in relation to my peers, my family and my community

    To understand the environment in which I am growing up and the effect this has on me

    To be able to assertively challenge bullying behaviour, prejudice and discrimination

    2. Expressing myself (self-management)

    To be able to identify, manage and express my own needs and feelings

    To recognise and manage the feelings associated with loss and change (such as divorce, separation or bereavement)

    To understand how my thoughts and feelings may affect my behaviour and the choices I make

    To recognise the physical and emotional changes that takes place during puberty

    3. Working it out (responsible decision-making)

    To develop effective decision-making and problem-solving skills

    To understand my personal strengths and limitations

    To have the skills, confidence and knowledge to make informed financial

    4. Being heard (effective communication)

    To be able to communicate with others including, talking, listening, negotiating and being assertive

    To be able to recognise and resist peer pressure

    To be able to ask for help

    5. Living together (social awareness)

    To develop an awareness of others, including having the ability to express empathy

    To understand that there are different types of relationships

    To explore how to develop and maintain positive, healthy relationships

    To be able to form and maintain positive relationships with peers, family members and others

    6. Keeping safe (risk awareness)

    To be able to discriminate between ‘safe’ and ‘unsafe’ situations

    To be able to understand and manage risk and the consequences of risky behaviour

    To be able to establish and negotiate age-appropriate boundaries

    To understand the risks of using modern technologies (such as the internet, computer and video games and mobile phones) and know how to keep safe whilst using them

    7. Getting informed (information management)

    To know where to go for help

    To be able to access and use information and services to meet needs

    To understand how the media presents information and the effect of this

    8. Knowing where I am going (self-efficacy)

    To have a sense of purpose and positive aspirations for myself

    To be actively and positively engaged in nursery, school or college and my local community

    To have the ability or opportunity to make a difference

  • Where can I access the Resilience Framework?
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    The Resilience Framework can be accessed from The Wakefield Resilience Framework website

  • Further Guidance
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