Emotional Wellbeing
Find the latest resources and training to help support children in relation to emotional wellbeing
How our childhood shapes every aspect of our health with Dr Gabor Mate
Addiction affects many people: alcohol, nicotine, sugar, work, exercise ……. The source of addiction is not to be found in our genes but in early childhood. Produced by Feel Better, Live More with Dr Rangan Chatterjee. This podcast last approximately 86 minutes long.
Click here to access this podcast.
Talking mental health (how to talk to children about it)
1 in 4 people will suffer with a mental health problem. Dr Rangan Chatterjee talks to Matt Haigh a prominent voice in the mental health arena about society’s understanding of mental health and how talking about mental health and teaching children about it is essential. Produced by Feel Better, Live More with Dr Rangan Chatterjee. This podcast lasts for 70 minutes.

Support in Wakefield
www.wf-i-can.co.uk a look at the new children and young people’s support website
Discover the rationale behind the website, a brief overview and learn how your organisation can be involved. 12 mins
Compass Website: Emotional & Mental Wellbeing service, across the Wakefield District for Children & Young People
Brief Introduction to Resilience Framework
by Denise Wheatman & Emily Castle
- Understand The Resilience Framework approach to working with children and young people and how it can be applied in to their own working practice.
- Provide an opportunity to view the Risk and Resilience Framework website and its support tools to communicate effectively with children and young people.
- Explore some of the resources provided to build Resilience competences in children or young people.
- Understand how the Resilience framework can support practitioners in the SoS and Safeguarding process and as part of the Families Working Together Practice model.
Children & Young People Emotional Wellbeing
by Denise Wheatman & Emily Castle
- Identifying some of the factors affecting the wellbeing of CYP
- Describing the presenting issues related to CYP
- Highlighting what you can do to support CYP
Hunger: A practical resource for family practitioners on physical and emotional hunger
by Karen Thomas, Registered Dietitian
To enable practitioners to discuss issues around hunger with families
features authentic stories from young people who have experienced self-harm and are in recovery now.
An animated film by young people NHS Foundation Trust – Made for Tees Esk & Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust
Sleep and Health: Optimising sleep potential for physical and emotional well being
by Sara Kendrick, CAMHS Primary Practitioner (Primary Intervention Team)
- To explore the importance of sleep and develop understanding of how the body clock works.
- To develop an understanding of the links between sleep, resilience and mental health.
- To develop an understanding of the strategies to optimise the chances of getting a good night’s sleep.
- To explore resources available to use with children, young people and their families in everyday practice.
- 32 mins
Words can hurt
produced by Childline
A short video demonstrating the effects of emotional abuse. 2 minutes