School & College Templates & Audit

There are a range of safeguarding templates specific for schools, colleges & settings to support with your arrangements. These are listed below.

In addition to these templates, please see the Professionals section where there are number of key forms, tools, standards, frameworks, procedures and guides that are not not specific to education, but that you will need:

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Template Policies, Tools, Guides, Forms & Reports
Full Safeguarding Audit for Education 2024/25
  • What is the full audit?
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    WSCP Full Safeguarding Audit for Education is intended to provide all schools within Wakefield a method of assessing their safeguarding and related practices to ensure that adequate arrangements are in place to safeguard and promote the wellbeing of children.

  • Who should complete the full audit?
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    All schools (primary, secondary and special) and colleges are encouraged to complete the full audit and create an action plan as part of an annual self-assessment.

    This can then be approved by governing board, trustees and other relevant roles and the action plan kept for your own records and review.

  • What is the purpose of the audit?
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    Schools and colleges should complete the audit as part of annual self-assessment. This is a self-evaluation and it is designed to be a learning process and a mechanism by which strengths and areas for development are identified by the DSL team. 

    The Safeguarding Advisor reviews and updates the audit tool to ensure it is consistent with all local, regional and national guidance as well as current statutory guidance and the Ofsted Inspection Framework.

  • Where can I access a copy?
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    To access a copy of the full audit please email

  • Does the full audit need submitting to WSCP?
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    The full audit does not need to be submitted to WSCP.

    A shortened Google Form online audit, issued in the summer term, will require all schools and colleges to complete and return to WSCP.

  • Further information
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    For further information please email

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