Education Resources & Recorded Training
There are a host of education specific videos, podcasts and presentations across a range of different safeguarding topics which can be accessed on demand.
To access them please view a specific section below (using the 'on this page' drop down menu to go to a section quickly) where you will find links to recorded training, presentations, videos and podcasts.
In addition, there is a range of multi-agency recorded training and resources, not specific to, but should be accessed by education settings via the Multi-Agency Resources & Recorded Training section.
- Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) & Trauma Informed Practice
- Bereavement
- Bullying
- Child Exploitation
- Child Sexual Abuse
- Childhood Development
- Domestic Abuse
- Harmful Sexual Behaviour
- Managing Allegations and Concerns About Those Who Work or Volunteer with Children
- Mental Health
- Neglect & Abuse
- Online Safety
- Radicalisation / Prevent
- Relationships, Sex, Health Education
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) & Trauma Informed Practice
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
Trauma Informed Practice
- Teaching students who have suffered trauma
- Critical Incidents in Educational Communities - UKTC (
- Supporting young people with trauma informed practice
- RIP Recorded webinars - includes trauma informed practice/adolescent risk etc.
- Trauma and the learning brain video 5mins
- Supporting school transitions for pupils with insecure attachments during and after COVID-19
- What is trauma? The author of “The Body Keeps the Score” explains | Bessel van der Kolk | Big Think - YouTube
- Stress, Trauma, and the Brain: Insights for Educators--The Neurosequential Model - YouTube
- Stress, Trauma, and the Brain: Insights for Educators--How Stress Impacts the Brain - YouTube
- Stress, Trauma, and the Brain: Insights for Educators--The Power of Connection - YouTube
- Stress, Trauma, and the Brain: Insights for Educators--Regulating Yourself and Your Classroom - YouTube
- Stress, Trauma, and the Brain: Insights for Educators--Educator Strategies for the Classroom - YouTube
- SEMH video 'Why I am rude' - YouTube
- Bereavement training for school staff
- Anna Freud range of training including Traumatic bereavement seminar
- Suicide Bereavement UK Toolkit for those who support children, young people and families bereaved by suicide
- ON THE GO online (90 minutes) CPD accredited training entitled ‘Talking with Children and Young People When There Has Been a Suicide' by Suicide Bereavement UK
- Bullying, Boredom and Problematic Behaviour in School
- What is sexual Bullying? by Anti-Bullying Alliance
- Free Sexual bullying training for schools
- Anti bullying online training
- Free workshops for children experiencing bullying
- Diana Award Anti bullying ambassador training
- Anti bullying webinars Diana Award
Child Exploitation
- Training and resources for school staff on exploitation CSE CCE
- Serious youth violence videos
- Contextual safeguarding training - sexting/peer on peer/HSB (scroll down to education section)
- Tackling Sexual Abuse and Harassment in Schools (DfE)
- WYP: Knife Crime Video - 'Angel of Knives' by Castleford Students (13+)
Child Sexual Abuse
- Identifying and responding to intra-familial child sexual abuse
- Practice resources CSA Centre (scroll down to video series)
- Events | CSA Centre - free 1 hr webinars
CPOMS/ SCR training
Domestic Abuse , including Forced Marriage, Honour Based Abuse & FGM
Domestic Abuse
- Online courses - IDAS Online Training Courses
- Domestic abuse staff training KS1/2 short video
- Domestic Abuse staff training KS3+ short video
- Domestic abuse - staff training Role of school staff short video
- Operation Encompass Key Adult training (NB for info only please follow local protocols)
Forced Marriage, Honour Based Abuse & FGM
Harmful Sexual Behaviour
- Managing a disclosure of sexual harassment or assault – Brook
- Harmful Sexual Behaviour Online Video Training | SWGfL
- Brook traffic light tool training
- NSPCC HSB training
- AIM Understanding & Managing HSB in Education settings – The AIM Project
- Podcast Ofsted talk about their review of schools SVSH
- Free teacher training tackling sexism in schools
- Harmful Sexual Behaviour in schools HSB podcast
- Pornography and the impact of viewing of harmful content online (DfE)
- Podcast: An introduction to Report Remove, an online self-reporting tool for young people
Managing Allegations and Concerns About Those Who Work or Volunteer with Children
Mental Health incl Suicide
- Health and Wellbeing Training Offer | Wakefield Traded Services
- Educational Psychology Service | Wakefield Traded Services
- DfE grants for senior mental health lead training
- Anna Freud mental health training for education staff
- Schools health and wellbeing network
- Mental Health online learning (select core content universal)
- DfE webinar Supporting pupil and student mental wellbeing
- Place2Be FREE Mental health champions training
- Mental Health Training Courses For Professionals | YoungMinds
- Podcast: Supporting children’s mental health and wellbeing in schools
- Free online training from Zero Suicide Alliance
- West Yorkshire Suicide Prevention Training ( - includes free local face to face training
Neglect & Abuse
Online Safety
- Events - UK Safer Internet Centre
- LGfL Training Centre - London Grid for Learning
- Online Safety Lead training
- Childnet Digital Leaders program - peer online safety
- Short online safety videos
- Safer Schools Team & App - online safety webinars
- Young Gamers and Gambling Education Trust (YGAM) - book a workshop
- YGAM Parent Hub
- YGAM Student Hub
- The Dark Web explained
- The Dark Web: Professionals Fact Sheet
- Skin Gambling - A Guide for Professionals, Parents & Carers
- Cyber Security for Schools - NCSC.GOV.UK
- Cyber security training for school staff - NCSC.GOV.UK
- Online Safety Podcast | SWGfL
- Home | KCSIE Webinar Series ( see online harms webinar
Radicalisation / Prevent
- Regional Prevent education coordinators - GOV.UK ( - incl links to training
- Prevent duty training - GOV.UK (
- Prevent duty guidance – How the latest updates affect your school - 2023
- Prevent for Further Education
- Preventing radicalisation in schools free training kit
- ACT for Education | ProtectUK Protect your school from terrorist attacks
- Incels and the 'manosphere' safeguarding CPD | LGFL