Young Babies & Infants
Information, training and advice specific to safeguarding young babies and infants
The invisible voice of children under two
NSPCC 26 mins
Two NSPCC social workers and a safeguarding manager to come together to discuss the risks to infants under two and how these risks can be recognised and prevented.

ICON: Babies Cry, You Can Cope!
Programme launch Sarah Booth, CCG
Resources include leaflets, posters and video clips which can be shared with parents and carers at any contact or ‘Touch Point’ they have with midwives, health visitors, GPs, social workers, and all other professionals working with families.
For further information on ICON, visit WSCP Safeguarding Babies and Infants page.
Infant Mental Health
Produced by Jane Turner – Parent Infant Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist
MAPLAG Audit 2020
Angela South Named Midwife MYHT
A short overview of MAPLAG and its audit process
Safer sleep for babies
from the Lullaby Trust
This video shows how you can reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) giving you the peace of mind to enjoy this special time. The advice is based on strong scientific evidence and should be followed for all sleep periods, not just at night
Safer Sleeping: Reducing the risk of sudden infant death due to ‘Overlay’
Sharon Harvey, Bradford District Care Foundation Trust
This presentation helps practitioners reduce the risk of sudden infant death due to ‘Overlay’