Managing Allegations and Concerns About Those Who Work or Volunteer with Children

The Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) should be notified when it has been alleged that someone who works or volunteers with children has:

  • Behaved in a way that has harmed, or may harm a child
  • Possibly committed a criminal offence against or related to a child
  • Behaved towards a child/children in a way that indicates they may pose a risk of harm to children
  • Behaved in a way which indicates they are unsuitable to work with children

The above criteria relates to the adult’s behaviour in the workplace, the community and in their home and social life.

The LADO provides advice and guidance to employers and voluntary organisation, liaises with police and other agencies and has oversight of all investigations to ensure a timely, thorough and fair process.

If the concern does not meet the harms threshold for LADO as above please click here

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What should do if I need to contact the LADO?

Anybody who has concerns about somebody working or volunteering with children should discuss their concerns with their manager and/or their Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL).

This should help clarify whether the criteria for a LADO referral has been met. If so, a referral should made using the LADO Consultation & Screening Form within one working day.

Once completed, the LADO Consultation & Screening Form should be sent to

There is a seperate process to follow if concerns relate to somebody who works or volunteers with vulnerable adults. Please contact Social Care Direct on 0345 8 503 503 / for information about this.

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  • Worried about a child?
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    Should there be a present safeguarding concern about a specific child or children, please visit the Worried About a Child page for guidance on the steps to take in addition to notifying the LADO.

What happens once a notification has been made?

The LADO will provide an initial response to the referrer within one working day advising whether there is a need for further action and will advise on the next steps required to be carried out.

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Key Contacts and Further Information
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