Via a Partner Provider:

Education Training via Wakefield Traded Services

For the following courses please contact Wakefield Traded Services

Schools will require their usual login. 

  • Basic Safeguarding Training for Everyone
  • Safer Working Practice Training for Education Staff
  • Designated Safeguarding Lead Training – Initial and Refresher
  • Strategic Governor Safeguarding Training.
  • Safer Recruitment (delivered together with HR)


For information please visit the Wakefield Traded Services website

If there are any issues please email

To access the Managing Allegations Against Staff training, please email


Wakefield Safeguarding Children Partnership are committed with its obligations under the new EU GDPR Data Protection Act 2018 that came into force on the 25th May 2018 by keeping personal data up to date; by storing and destroying it securely; by not collecting or retaining excessive amounts of data; by protecting personal data from loss, misuse, unauthorised access and disclosure and by ensuring that appropriate technical measures are in place to protect your personal data.

We keep your personal data for no longer than reasonably necessary for a period of 3 years in order to offer upcoming courses, briefings and updates around safeguarding. We use your data to provide certificates once you have attended one of the sessions we provide, and to ensure that we have an appropriate sign in register with your name for fire safety purposes. After the 3 year period we will ensure that your data/information is destroyed in accordance under the new GDPR act.

The personal data that we collect about you are: your name, email, phone number and work address. If you require a copy of the data we hold for you, you can contact us by emailing

Courses are free for the statutory, voluntary and community sector in Wakefield, however failure to attend without giving prior notice may result in a charge to cover costs. You may now be charged for undertaking our training if you are outside of Wakefield. Please see the Charging Policy for full details.

Featured courses
WSCP Multi Agency Training

Every Sleep a Safe Sleep Multi-Agency training

Via a Partner Provider

Every Sleep a Safe sleep training, delivered by Public Health.

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WSCP Multi Agency Training

Young Lives Consortium: SafeTALK Suicide Alertness Training

Via a Partner Provider

Know what to do if someone is thinking about suicide, how to spot the signs and where to get help. .

Find out more
4 Dates Available

Multi-Agency Neglect: A Shared Responsibility Training

Face to Face via WSCP

The session will explore how we identify neglect, what to consider, tools to use and how best to respond to Neglect through robust assessment information sharing.

Book Your Place Book Your Place
WSCP Multi Agency Training

Impact of Parental Mental Illness on Children

Online Training via WSCP

A virtual package that considers the impact of a variety of parental mental illness on children at various ages and stages of development.

Book Now Book Now
WSCP Multi Agency Training

Future in Mind workforce development training (CAMHS)

Via a Partner Provider

A series of courses to equip professionals in dealing with Mental Health issues in children.

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