Via a Partner Provider:

Every Sleep a Safe Sleep Multi-Agency training


The sudden and unexpected death of an infant (SUDI) is one of the most devastating tragedies that can happen to any family. At least 300 infants still die suddenly and unexpectedly each year in England and Wales.

West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership has seen a sharp increase in the number of infants who have died because of unsafe sleep practices over recent years. As part of the Local Maternity System public health recommendations, it was also recognised that much can be done before, during and after pregnancy to support women and their babies.

In 2020, the national Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel published ‘Out of Routine’ a Thematic Report into SUDI. This report identified these deaths occur more frequently in families where there are certain vulnerabilities. In response, we have developed this training to support frontline workers to engage parents with safer sleeping advice.


Multidisciplinary for all agencies who work with parents and carers of babies aged 0-12 months including pre-birth.

Joining Information

  • Tuesday 4th February 2025, 13:00 – 16:00 via MS Teams (3 hours)

Click here to join the event! (Save this link in your diary, so you have it on the day)

For further information

Enquiries: Janet Wilson –

Disclaimer/warning for the content of the course:

“The content of this training may be upsetting, especially if you have suffered, or been affected by, the death of a baby in any circumstances. If you find you need to take a break at any point, please feel free to do so and return when you are ready”

For additional support please contact:

Course Highlights

Description of Course: 

The ‘Every Sleep a Safe Sleep’ training comprises:

  • a 55-minute webinar delivering key information about SUDI incorporating recommendations from the Out of Routine Report
  • how to effectively share safer sleep messages with parents and carers to reduce the incidence of SUDI
  • a SUDI Risk Minimisation Tool for Professionals, a Protective Factors Tool for Parents/Carers, plus ‘Every Sleep a Safe Sleep’ guidance
  • a 90-minute post-webinar participatory session where you will have the opportunity to use the tools and guidance to explore scenarios where risks are present

Course Objectives:

  • To ensure all frontline workers are equipped with the skills to engage in individualised safer sleep conversations with parents and carers to reduce the risks of sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI), in particular where additional vulnerabilities exist
  • To introduce the Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy Risk Minimisation Tool and Safer Sleep Protective Factors Tool

Wakefield Safeguarding Children Partnership are committed with its obligations under the new EU GDPR Data Protection Act 2018 that came into force on the 25th May 2018 by keeping personal data up to date; by storing and destroying it securely; by not collecting or retaining excessive amounts of data; by protecting personal data from loss, misuse, unauthorised access and disclosure and by ensuring that appropriate technical measures are in place to protect your personal data.

We keep your personal data for no longer than reasonably necessary for a period of 3 years in order to offer upcoming courses, briefings and updates around safeguarding. We use your data to provide certificates once you have attended one of the sessions we provide, and to ensure that we have an appropriate sign in register with your name for fire safety purposes. After the 3 year period we will ensure that your data/information is destroyed in accordance under the new GDPR act.

The personal data that we collect about you are: your name, email, phone number and work address. If you require a copy of the data we hold for you, you can contact us by emailing

Courses are free for the statutory, voluntary and community sector in Wakefield, however failure to attend without giving prior notice may result in a charge to cover costs. You may now be charged for undertaking our training if you are outside of Wakefield. Please see the Charging Policy for full details.

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