Last reviewed January 2023
One minute guide to Initial Health Assessment (IHA)
What is the process?
Social Workers must ensure that all documentation is with the Heath Team Admin by day 5 of the child coming into care. It is the responsibility of the Social Worker to ensure the paperwork is submitted on time.
The paperwork required:
- SS7 - for Children in Care (CiC) admin use only
- Referral Form - request from CiC admin
- Part A - request from CiC admin
- Signed Consent - found on Liquid Logic
Email address for CiC admin:
No appointment will be offered until ALL paperwork is received.
Children need to be seen within 28 days (20 working days) of coming into care, so appointments are tight. Please ensure that appointments are prioritised and that carers are supported in coming to appointments if required.
A Social Worker must attend the IHA with the child, if the named Social Worker is not available then another Social Worker should be sent in their place. This should be a Social Worker who is suitably appraised on the case and has the necessary information.
Birth Mums and Dads are very welcome and encouraged, to attend the IHA but will need to be invited by the Social Worker as health do not have their details.
Details on MumShow details
1. Name and date of birth
2. Relevant pregnancy history
3. Relevant medical history
4. Do they have any medical diagnosis are they on any medication?
5. Do they see any Doctors for their condition?
6. Did Mum drink during pregnancy? Is this confirmed?
7. Is there any current alcohol or drug use?
Details on DadShow details
1. Name and date of birth
2. Relevant medical history
3. Do they have any medical diagnosis are they on any medication?
4. Do they see any Doctors for their condition?
5. Is there any current alcohol or drug use?
Details on any SiblingsShow details
1. Names
2. Date of Birth
3. Relevant medical history
4. Do they have any medical diagnosis are they on any medication?
5. Do they see any Doctors for their condition?
Details on ContactShow details
1. How often is contact and for how long?
2. How is contact going?

If an appointment cannot be made, please ring the Health Admin Team urgently and explain the situation.
Contact Email:
Contact Number: 01924 541 981