Wakefield Child Death Arrangements

The death of a child is always tragic.

Thinking and talking about a child's death is a sensitive and painful subject which is particularly upsetting for parents, families and carers. 

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Why does a child death need reviewing?

The reviewing of child deaths is statutory requirement for Wakefield Safeguarding Children Partnership.

The purpose of the process is to try to understand how a child has died and where required put in place interventions to protect and prevent future deaths of children wherever possible from learning.

What does the Child Death Review process cover?

The reviewing of child deaths is statutory requirement for Wakefield Safeguarding Children Partnership.

  • Makes sense as to the cause of a death to help families come to terms with a death of a child
  • Inform services as to the steps to take to prevent future deaths of any other children
  • Identify patterns of deaths in the community so that preventable risks that may contribute to a death can be recognised and reduced

Wakefield works together with Kirklees to co-ordinate the review of child deaths and share learning to help safeguard children across the district. This is undertaken by the Wakefield and Kirklees Child Death Overview Panel (CDOP).

2022/23 Joint Annual CDOP Report

by Wakefield, Kirklees & Calderdale

The joint annual report provides an overview of the collective child death processes and arrangements across Wakefield, Kirklees & Calderdale.  

It details what the priorities were for the pan CDOP in 2022/23 and what progress has been made against them, as well as identifying the priorities for the year ahead. The report also provides a breakdown of the number of deaths reviewed in each area within the reporting period, including the key modifiable factors that have been identified.

Click here to view the Joint Annual CDOP report
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Bereavement Support for Children and Families

For more information and support about the support that is available for children and families who have suffered a bereavement please click here

Guidance to explain the Wakefield Child Death Review Arrangements

Wakefield Child Death Review Arrangements Document

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