Bereavement Support for Children & Families
The death of a loved one can be one of the most painful experiences you'll ever have to endure.
Whether it's a a child, sibling, parent, or grandparent, the death of a loved one can feel overwhelming, and be a time when you and your family may need that little bit extra support.
On this page you will find information about bereavement and the support services and resources that are available both locally and nationally. There is a mix of services listed which can provide assistance to children, young people, parents, carers and their families, when they are bereaved by the death of a child, or a child is bereaved by the death of someone they were close to.

- When a child or baby dies
- Symptoms of bereavement, grief and loss
- Why is my partner grieving differently?
- Helping a child cope with bereavement
- Explaining to a child that someone has died
- Steps to take when talking to a child about death
- Bereavement support services available for parents, children and family members
When a child or baby dies
The loss of a child is always devastating. You're not just losing the person they were, you're also losing the years or promise, hopes and dreams that lay ahead.
A child's death goes against the natural life order we expect, the grief can be more intense, the bereavement process harder to navigate and the trauma more acute. It is not unusual for parents/carers to feel a whole range of different emotions, everyone grieves differently, and you may find you need a little extra support to help you get through this difficult time.
Please click here to access a booklet published by The Lullaby Trust in which parents and grandparents tell their stories of when their child/grandchild died. These stories have been chosen as they illustrate the different ages and circumstances when the death occurred, and how families coped afterwards.

Symptoms of bereavement, grief and loss
Bereavement, grief and loss can cause many different symptoms and they affect people in different ways. There is no right or wrong way to feel.
Some of the most common symptoms include:
- Shock and numbness – this is usually the first reaction to loss, and people often talk about "being in a daze"
- Overwhelming sadness, with lots of crying
- Tiredness or exhaustion
- Anger – towards the person you've lost or the reason for your loss
- Guilt – for example, guilt about feeling angry, about something you said or did not say, or not being able to stop your loved one dying
These feelings may not be there all the time and powerful feelings may appear unexpectedly.
Please click here to access the Cruse Bereavement Support website to learn more about the grieving process, which may help you to understand what you are going through and make sense of how you are feeling.
There is lots of different support available to help you cope with the symptoms of bereavement, grief and loss should you feel you need this. Please note whilst waiting to access support, if your feelings become overwhelming you can contact your GP for advice or call the Samaritans on 116 123 (freephone). The Samaritans are available 24 hours a day 365 days of the year, and they will listen to you and help you talk through your concerns, worries and troubles.
Why is my partner grieving differently?
By Child Bereavement UK
The way two people in a relationship deal with grief can sometimes differ and this can put additional strain on a relationship when a couple face bereavement together. By understanding these differences, you can begin to achieve balance with your partner and within yourself. Watch this short video by Child Bereavement UK, which explains how and why your partner might grieve differently to you and how you can work together to support one another.
Helping a child cope with bereavement
Speaking to a child about death is a very daunting thing for any parent or carer to have to do.
However, it is very important to tell a child of any age when someone important in their lives has died, and ideally, this should be done by someone who is closest to them.

Explaining to a child that someone has died
By Child Bereavement UK
Watch this short video produced by Child Bereavement UK which provides parents/carers with tips for supporting a child when someone has died. An explanation that helps young children to understand what death means is:
"When someone dies, their body stops working, and this means that they don't need anything to eat or to drink and they can't feel anything. Because their body has stopped working, they can't come back to life, even though we may want them to"
Steps to take when talking to a child about death
Child Bereavement UK advise the following based on what families said was helpful for them
- Tell a child as soon as possible, in a place where they can be supported and away from distractions.
- Use clear language that they can understand, for example, I have something very sad to tell you. Grandad has been very ill for sometime and now he has died.
- Clear words such as "he has died" are easier for children to understand than "lost" "passed away" or "gone to the stars".
- Allow time together for comfort, support and any questions they may ask.
- Answer questions honestly, but keep explanations short, clear and appropriate for their age and understanding. It is okay to say you don't know the answer to a question, but that you will come back to them if you find an answer.
- You may need to repeat the information, especially with a young child.
- It is okay to show your emotions and to explain that you are sad because the person has died, and that it is okay to be sad sometimes and happy sometimes when someone dies.
- Tell them about plans for the days ahead, including who will take them to school or activities. If you need to leave them tell them when you will be home, or who will be looking after them. This will help them to feel secure.
- Children under the age of six do not usually understand that death is permanent so may expect the person to come back. It is still important to tell them that the person has died.
Bereavement support services available for parents, children and family members
The below list is not exhaustive but these are the bereavement support services we are aware of as a partnership both locally and nationally.
Child Bereavement UKShow details
Child Bereavement UK helps families to rebuild their lives when a child grieves or when a child dies. They support children and young people (up to the age of 25) when someone important to them has died or is not expected to live, and parents and the wider family when a baby or child of any age dies or is dying.
They offer free, confidential bereavement support for individuals, couples, children, young people, and families, by telephone, video or instant messenger, wherever you live in the UK. They also offer face-to-face support from a number of locations. The Child Bereavement UK support team is available to respond to calls, Live Chat or email from 9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday (except bank holidays). Please note, messages can be left via telephone, email or Live Chat and they will respond as soon as possible on their next working day. You can contact Child Bereavement UK in the following ways.
Telephone: 0800 02 888 40
Live Chat: via their website
Support available for bereaved children includes:
– Telling a child that someone has died
– When someone is not expected to live
– Sudden death – including accidents, suicide and homicide
– When your partner dies – supporting your children
They also provide training to professionals in health and social care, education, the emergency services and the voluntary and corporate sectors, equipping them to provide the best possible care to bereaved families.
Visit the Child Bereavement UK website to find out more and access the wide range of resources they have available.
Child Death HelplineShow details
A dedicated helpline which offers support to anyone affected by the death of a child of any age, under any circumstances, however recent or long ago. Their confidential helpline is open every day of the year at the following times:
– Monday – Sunday 7pm – 10pm
– Monday, Thursday and Friday – 10am to 1pm
– Tuesday and Wednesday – 10am – 4pm
Call the helpline 0800 282 986 / 0808 800 6019 (freephone) or visit the Child Death Helpline website.
Children Of JannahShow details
This is a charity aimed at supporting bereaved parents, holding at their core the Muslim belief that all children who pass away enter heaven (Jannah in Arabic). This belief helps the charity to provide support to bereaved parents including a perspective on faith and education. They have a specialist helpline, a live chat and email service, group meetings, hope and resource packs and a parents’ forum. They have resources aimed a TOPFA, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, stillbirth and neonatal death.
The Children of Jannah website has a free downloadable eBook titled “Where is My Child” which helps bereaved parents/carers find answers to commonly asked questions after the death of a Muslim child such as “will I ever see my child again” and “how do I begin to cope”. To access this and their other resources visit the Children of Jannah website
CompassShow detailsThis is a local support service
Compass is commissioned by the NHS, and provides emotional health and wellbeing services for children and young people in their communities in Wakefield. This service offers a range of advice, support and education on emotional health matters using text, web based and face-to-face to support children, young people and families to improve and maintain emotional heath. Compass staff can work with children and young people if they are experiencing mild, emerging emotional health difficulties and they want to stop things getting any worse. Issues may include low mood, anxiety, managing different emotions like anger, being scared, loneliness and sadness.
This service can be contacted in the following ways:
– Text Buzz to 85258 for free, confidential support 24/7 – this dedicated Wakefield District hotline is staffed by real workers responding in real time.
– Call 01924 665 093
– Or write to the service -written requests for support are accepted from young people, parents, carers and professionals. Just fill in the request for support form and return it to
The Wakefield team are available Monday – Thursday, 9am to 4.30pm and Friday 9am – 4pm (excluding bank holidays)
Visit the Compass website to find out more.
Cruse Bereavement & Hope AgainShow details
Cruse Bereavement provide support no matter how long a person has been grieving. They have a dedicated free helpline which is run by trained bereavement volunteers, who offer emotional support to anyone affected by grief. There is no minimum age to call the helpline. They will give you space to talk about your feelings and how you’ve been coping. Cruse volunteers are completely non-judgement and won’t share what you’ve told them with anyone, unless you are in danger. Call 0808 808 1677, their opening hours are:
– Monday – 9.30am-5pm
– Tuesday – 9.30am-8pm
– Wednesday – 9.30am-8pm
– Thursday – 9.30am-8pm
– Friday – 9.30am-5pm
– Saturday – 10am-2pm
– Sunday – 10am-2pm
The helpline can be very busy so if your call is not answered straight away, Cruse encourage you to please keep trying.
Visit the Cruse website as they have lots of useful information and resources that you can use. This website also has a lot of useful information and resources for children and young people who are dealing with grief.
Cruse Bereavement also have a separate website specially designed by young people dealing with grief called Hope Again. Here you will find information about their services, a listening ear from other young people and advice for any young person dealing with the loss of a loved one. Hope Again provides somewhere to turn when someone dies. Click here to visit the Hope Again website to find out more.
Educational Psychology Service - Wakefield DistrictShow detailsThis is a local support service
The Educational Psychology Service (EPS) provide direct support to educational settings following a Critical Incident which affects the school community. This may relate to the death of student or a member of staff. They typically offer support to the staff within the setting, in order to enable them to continue to support students who may have been affected by the death / incident through already well established and familiar relationships. They provide guidance documents to schools on understanding and supporting loss and bereavement, as well as delivering central training about this.
To contact EPS call 01924 307403 or email
Grief EncounterShow details
The mission of this service is to give every child and young person access to the best possible support following the death of someone close. Grief Encounter work closely with individuals, families, schools and professionals to offer a way through anxiety, fear and isolation so often caused by grief. Their services include:
– One-to-one counselling
– Group workshops
– Music, art and drama therapy
– Residentials and Family Fun Days
– A National, free and confidential helpline called grief talk offering web chat service too. To contact the helpline call 0808 802 0111, they are open weekdays from 9am – 9pm.
– Bespoke support for schools, universities and colleges
– A dedicated Trauma Team for support following a sudden or traumatic bereavement.
– Accredited training courses and webinars for professionals
– Award-winning resources including their unique Grief Relief Kit, Grief Encounter Workbook and Journal
Click here to visit the website to find out more and access the resources that are available.
Leeds Mind Suicide Bereavement ServicesShow detailsThis is a local support service
The Leeds Mind Suicide Bereavement Service offer a safe space to talk and get practical guidance. Anyone can use their service. For example, if you:
– Have lost anyone to suicide, such as: a friend, colleague or family member; someone you know professionally or an acquaintance
– Think someone ended their own life, even if an inquest has not been held or did not determine suicide as cause of death
– Have been affected by suicide but do not identify as bereaved, e.g. if you witnessed a death
– Were affected by a suicide months, years or decades ago
Leeds Mind offer suicide bereavement support in Bradford, Calderdale, Craven, Kirklees, Leeds and Wakefield. Click here to visit their website or call them on 0113 305 5800. They are open Monday – Thursday 9am – 5pm, and Friday 9am – 4.30pm.
Martin House HospiceShow detailsThis is a local support service
Martin House Hospice offer support to all families following the death of their child. Support is tailored to the family’s need and can take place at the hospice or in local counselling rooms. In some circumstances home visits may be possible. Their care team are available to give help and guidance with practical arrangements. They can also help with making keepsakes using finger, hand or footprints of the child.
They offer a bereavement support services to families whose child has died of a life-shortening condition or whose has died from a sudden or traumatic death. Their offer is made up of:
– Meetings for individuals or couples
– Groups sessions for bereaved parents
– Group sessions for bereaved brothers and sisters
– Group sessions for grandparents
– Sessions for parents and children together
Click here to visit the Martin House Hospice website to find out more about the support that is available.
SANDS (Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society)Show details
SANDS provide support to families after a baby has died either during pregnancy or after their birth. The SANDS website contains a lot resources that you may find useful. They also provide support via their helpline which you can call on 0808 164 3332, and have local support groups that you can access (visit their website and enter your postcode to find details of the support group closest to you). SANDS also provide support via an online community and offer a bereavement support app which you can download. Visit the SANDS website to access these resources and find out more. You can also email them at
SANDS also provide specific support aimed at fathers and have a booklet called Mainly for Fathers, which contains information that many fathers whose baby or babies have died said they needed to know.
Star BereavementShow detailsThis is a local support service
Star Bereavement provides a range of support services for children and young people in Wakefield. Their vision is that all bereaved children and young people who live within the region will have access to the appropriate support they need to rebuild their lives when someone important to them has died. Star work proactively to support children, young people and their families, guiding them in their journey through grief and helping them to develop the necessary tools to be able to move forward in their lives.
Star provide bereavement support in the following ways:
– Individual Support – bereavement practitioners work to provide one to one support which is young person centred and trauma informed for those young people who are experiencing the most debilitating disruptive grief including mental distress, suicidal intent, self harm and PTSD.
– Group Support – young people take part in a wide variety of group activities including therapeutic group work and grief or emotional wellbeing focused activities, sports, art, drama, gardening and wellness in the woods as well as trips, for example to the theatre, bowling and animal therapy centres.
– Parent/Carer Support – Star provide support and advice to parents and carers in the home, via zoom sessions and through signposting to additional services.
– Support for professionals – the Star team support and advise professionals including teachers, pastoral staff, social workers and family hub practitioners.
Visit the Star Bereavement website to find out more or email them on
The Lead Nurse for Child Death (Key Worker) - Mid Yorkshire Teaching NHS Trust (for families whose child has died suddenly and unexpectedly)Show detailsThis is a local support service
The Lead Nurse for Child Death, based within Mid Yorkshire Teaching NHS Trust, covers both the Wakefield and Kirklees areas. For families who have lost their children suddenly and unexpectedly the Lead Nurse takes on the role of key worker for them which can involve;
– Being a reliable and readily accessible point of contact for the family after their child’s death
– Help co-ordinate meetings between professionals and the family as required
– Provide information on the child death review process and the course of any investigations pertaining to the child
– Liaise with the Coroner’s officer, the Police and the Family Liaison officer
– Represent the “voice” of the parents at professionals meetings, ensuring that their questions are effectively addressed, and to provide feedback to the family afterwards
– Signpost to expert bereavement support as needed
If your child was resident in the Wakefield area and has died suddenly and unexpectedly the Sudden Unexpected Death In Childhood (SUDIC) Team at MYTT will put you in contact with the Lead Nurse so they can assist you with all the things above. Please note there is no requirement that you have to speak with the Lead Nurse that is is your choice.
The Lullaby TrustShow details
This organisation offers confidential bereavement support to anyone affected by the sudden and unexpected death of a baby or young child. They have a bereavement support helpline which provides the opportunity for the caller to talk freely, for as long as required, with a sympathetic and understanding listener. The helpline is open 365 days of the year from 10am to 2pm from Monday to Friday and 6pm to 10pm on weekends and public holidays. Call 0808 802 6868 (freephone) or email
The Lullaby Trust have specific information relating to bereaved fathers, partners and co-parents, brothers and sisters, grandparents and other families members. Click here to visit The Lullaby Trust website to find out more and access all these resources.
WF-I Can - Suicide Postvention ServiceShow detailsThis is a local support service
The Suicide Postvention Service is for those who have experienced the death of someone they they know through suicide or sudden death. The aim of the service is to provide those children and young people who are aged 14-25 with a unique and holistic offer to meet their individual needs, either individually or in a group.
To access support from the suicide postvention service email them on or or call 07708471670
The WF-I Can website has some useful information to help children and young people understand how they may be feeling following the death of a loved one. Click here to access it.
Winston's WishShow details
Winston’s Wish is a charity that helps children, teenagers and young adults (up to the age of 25) find their feet when their worlds are turned upside down by grief.
Through information, on-demand services, bereavement support and counselling, Winston’s Wish support young people across the UK to understand their feelings, process their grief and find ways to move forward with hope for a brighter future. This organisation also helps the adults who are caring for young grieving people including parents, school staff and healthcare professionals. Winston’s Wish can be contacted in the following ways:
– Via the Helpline – Call free on 08088 020 021 between 8am-8pm weekdays.
– Via Email – Email them on or fill out their contact form and they’ll reply within two working days
– Via Live Chat – Chat online between 3-8pm weekdays by clicking the blue “chat with us” button at the bottom right of your screen (whilst on their website)
-Via Text – For urgent support text WW to 85258 to speak with someone from their trusted partner, Shout
Visit the Winston’s Wish website to access their resources and find out more about all the support services they have available.
Help For Those Who Don't Speak EnglishShow details
Cruse Bereavement have published most of their requested information as pdfs for people to download in the following languages:
Cruse bereavement can arrange for support on their free helpline (call 0808 808 1677) using a service called Language Line for those who don’t speak English. When a helpline volunteer answers, the caller needs to clearly tell them the name of the language they speak in English. The volunteer will then call up their translation service.
The Child Bereavement UK website also has a lot of information available for those who are bereaved of a baby or child, or those supporting a bereaved child or young person. Click here to take a look and select the language needed.
The Grief Encounter website also allows the person accessing it to select which language they require and then all the information available is then translated into the chosen language.
Additional Support ServicesShow details
Aching Arms – This organisation helps and supports parents/carers when they’ve experienced the heartbreak of losing their baby during pregnancy, at birth or soon after. They will offer you a beautiful comfort bear to fill your arms and a community to support you as you grieve. Each Aching Arms bear is given as a gift from one bereaved family to another, to let you know you are not alone. Their Supporting Arms service is available to provide you with support, and is run by bereaved parents and gives you the opportunity to talk to someone who has an understanding of what you are going through. Visit the Aching Arms website for more information, or call and email them on 07464 508994
BEAD Project (Bereaved through Alcohol and Drugs) – This website is a source of information, support and hope for anyone whose loved one has died as a result of drug or alcohol use and includes advice on overcoming grief and practical aspects of a bereavement as well as personal accounts that show people they are not alone. The BEAD project is a partnership between Cruse Bereavement Care and Adfam, and due to funding, the project is limited to people living in England and over 18. Call the Cruse National Helpline on 0808 808 1677. A helpline volunteer will take some details from you and pass them on to the BEAD project team.
Gingerbread – This organisation provides support to single parents on a range of subjects including coping with family life after the death of someone close to you or your children. Click here to visit the website and access their resources.
Miscarriage Association – If you have been affected by miscarriage, molar pregnancy or ectopic pregnancy, this organisation can help. It may also be useful for family, friends, colleagues and health professionals who are supporting the person who has suffered the loss. Call 01924 200 799 or email or visit the Miscarriage Association website
Muslim Bereavement Support Service (MBSS) – This is a free and confidential support service supporting bereaved women who have lost a child or other loved one. Click here to visit their website.
Our Sam – This organisation works to raise awareness, understanding and improve support, and access to support for anyone affected by baby loss following miscarriage, stillbirth, termination for medical reasons and neonatal death. Click here to visit their website.
Papyrus – Papyrus is part of the Suicide Bereavement Support Partnership for organisations and individuals working across the UK to support people, who have been bereaved by suicide. Papyrus lists a number of organisations and guides for help with Bereavement here. Email: or call 01925 572444
Petals – This is a baby loss counselling charity which provides specialist counselling for women who have experienced pregnancy loss including miscarriage. Visit the Petals website.
South West Yorkshire Partnership SPA (Single Point of Access) – They provide support regarding emotional and mental wellbeing, ranging from quick access, talking therapies, to crisis intervention and intensive home based treatment for people in acute distress. Call 01924 316 900 or visit their website to find out more information.
Strong Men – This is a national organisation that strives to specifically support and connect bereaved men. Click here to visit the website.
Support After Suicide Partnership – This partnership brings together suicide bereavement organisations and people with lived experience, to achieve the vision that everyone bereaved by suicide is offered timely and appropriate support. Click here to access their website.
Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide – this is a self-help organisation to meet the needs and break the isolation of those bereaved by the suicide of a close relative or friend. Click here to visit their website, call them on 0300 112 5065 or email on
Sue Ryder Bereavement Support – Sue Ryder offers online bereavement support which makes it easier for people to connect with the right support they need. Visit the Sue Ryder website
The Compassionate Friends – This organisation provides support for bereaved parents and their families. Their website has a range of resources that families can access and download. They also have a UK National Helpline which is open 10am – 4pm and 7pm – 10pm. When you call the helpline you are connected to the bereaved parent who is on rota for that session, this could be either a bereaved Mum or a bereaved Dad. If you are a bereaved Dad who would prefer to speak with another bereaved Dad or you are bereaved Mum who would prefer to speak with a bereaved Mum, please mention this to the Helpline Volunteer so they can let you know when a male/female volunteer is next on the rota. Call the helpline on 0345 123 2304 or email them at In addition to parents, this organisation also provides resources for bereaved grandparents and siblings. Click here to visit their website.
Tommy’s – This charity researches the causes and prevention of pregnancy complications, miscarriage, stillbirth, premature birth and neonatal death. Tommy’s also provide information and support for anyone who has experienced the loss of a baby, whether through miscarriage, stillbirth, neonatal death, or termination for medical reasons. Click here to visit the Tommy’s website. Tommy’s also provide specific support for fathers who also feel the heartbreak of miscarriage.
Wakefield & District Bereavement Support Service provided by the Prince of Wales Hospice – This service is for any bereaved adult living in the Wakefield District. It is a community service to support people to find ways of coping and living with grief following the death of a significant other, however and wherever they died. You can refer yourself or ask a health or social care professional to make the referral. Call 01977 781 452 or email visit the Prince of Wales Hospice website
Bereavement Support Booklets, Leaflets and Useful ResourcesShow details
Are You Worried About A Young Person – This booklet provides guidance to parents, peers and professionals if they are worried about a young person and suspect they may be having suicidal thoughts. It details the signs to look out for, factors that can increase the risk of suicidal thoughts, how you can help, what to do in an emergency plus much more including services that can provide support
A Siblings Grief – This leaflet, produced by the Compassionate Friends organisation, looks at what a person is going through when their sibling has died. It has been written with the assistance of young adults who have lost a sibling. They also have a leaflet to provide support when a sibling has died by suicide, click here to access this.
A Guide to Coroner Services for Bereaved People – This guide provides information about the Coroner’s process and why they might need to be involved and make enquiries following the death of a loved one.
Booklist for grieving adults – The Lullaby Trust have published a list of fiction and non-fiction books for grieving adults. These books cover topics such as miscarriage, pregnancy after the death of a baby, understanding grief and much more.
Child Death Overview Panel – Guide for Parents – Every local area in England has to have a Child Death Overview Panel (CDOP) that looks at the circumstances of each child under 18 who dies in their area. This short guide explains what the CDOP is and which representatives sit on the panel.
Children’s Funeral Fund for England – The Children’s Funeral Fund for England can help to pay for some of the costs of a funeral for a child under 18 or a baby stillborn after the 24th week of pregnancy. It is not means-tested: what you earn or how much you have in savings will not affect the sum received to help pay the costs, however there is eligibility criteria.
Help is at Hand – This is a guide that has been written to provide support after someone may have died by suicide. It has been designed to help you choose when and what sections are most appropriate for you, as some sections focus on how you may be feeling; others on what may be happening. It is not intended as something you need to read from cover to cover.
How To Help My Difficult Feelings – This booklet is aimed at primary school age children and talks about the difficult feelings a child or their friend may have felt. It explains what difficult feelings are, why we have them and examples of why they may feel that way. It also speaks about turning unhelpful thoughts and feelings into helpful thoughts and feelings, how they might know if they need extra help, things that might help, what to do if they need help now plus much more including support services that are available.
Managing Difficult Feelings – This booklet is aimed at secondary school children and provides guidance to a young person when they may be experiencing suicidal thoughts due to a range of reasons, one of which could be bereavement or loss. It contains information about how the young person might be feeling, how to stay safe when experiencing these feelings, things that might help, how to cope in the future, self care, creating a safety next and lists services that can provide support.
The Coroners Court Support Service -This leaflet gives support and guidance for bereaved people attending inquests.
Tips for Coping with the Trauma of Sudden Bereavement – Published by The Lullaby Trust, this guides provides information about how you might be feeling following the sudden bereavement of a child, with tips to help you cope and and get through this difficult time.
What to do after someone dies – The period after someone dies can be very stressful. There are many people to tell, procedures to follow and things to arrange. This section of the Cruse Bereavement website, contains some tips and links for dealing with the things you need to do in the days, weeks and months after someone dies.
When a child dies – A guide for parents and carers – This booklet has been published by NHS England, and has been put together by a group of bereaved parents, support organisations and professionals. It is for parents and carers of a child under 18, and will help you understand some of the things that will now happen following the death of your child and the support that is available. Click here to access a copy of this guide written in Romanian.
Bereavement Resources & Information For SchoolsShow details
Anna Freud range of training including Traumatic bereavement seminar
Bereavement training for school staff by Winston’s Wish
Child Bereavement UK Toolkit – This is a comprehensive, free-to-access set of online resources for schools, developed by Child Bereavement UK in collaboration with the London Grid for Learning.
Education Psychology Service – please see information in the section above for details of the support that can be provided by this service.
ON THE GO online (90 minutes) CPD accredited training entitled ‘Talking with Children and Young People When There Has Been a Suicide’ by Suicide Bereavement UK
Suicide Bereavement UK Toolkit for those who support children, young people and families bereaved by suicide
Returning To Work After A BereavementShow details
If you’re employed and on bereavement leave, there will come a point when you might need to start thinking about returning to work. With the right support everyone can find a way to return to work that works for them, but it can sometimes feel daunting – please know you are not alone. Visit the Cruse website for specific information about returning to work following a bereavement.