Last Reviewed November 2022

One Minute Guide to West Yorkshire Paediatric SARC (Sexual Assault Referral Centre)

Who is the West Yorkshire Paediatric SARC?

The West Yorkshire Paediatric CSAAS (Children’s Sexual Abuse Assessment Service), also known to many professionals as the Paediatric SARC (Sexual Assault Referral Centre).

The service is situated at the Hazlehurst Centre in Morley, Leeds and sees children and young people aged 0-15 years old, (or under 18 years old if complex needs), who have disclosed or there is professional concern of rape, sexual assault, or abuse.

  • Text link image What service does the West Yorkshire  Paediatric SARC offer?
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    They offer holistic examinations following acute and non-recent disclosures of rape, sexual assault, and sexual abuse.
    Acute Cases: An incident that has occurred within the last 14 days.
    Non-Recent Cases: An incident that has occurred post 14 days ago.

    In addition to holistic examinations, SARC also offer, and not limited to, forensic sampling (timeframe dependent); CSE risk assessments, assessment of  mental health, onward referrals to wider support organisations and baseline sexually transmitted infection (STI) screening (via chain of evidence         processes). Given the nature of why a child or young person is attending their service and the safeguarding concerns that comes with that, they require a Strategy Discussion/Meeting to be held prior to a patient’s attendance to SARC.

It is essential to highlight the importance of Mountain Healthcare Limited, MHL (provider of West Yorkshire Paediatric SARC) being involved in such strategy discussion/meetings when there has been a disclosure or professional concern of rape, sexual assault, or sexual abuse.

There is a Strategy and Safeguarding Manager who is responsible for attending all strategy meetings and  facilitating appointments.

Find out more
  • Text link image How do I make a referral?
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    The national call centre, also known as the Pathway and Support Service (PSS) can be contacted 24/7 on 0330 223 0099.

    Due to being a paediatric service, they operate a clinic during core hours. Clinic runs Monday-Saturday (10am-6pm) and Sundays and Bank Holidays (11am-4pm). The service is appointment only.

    Please note non-recent cases are seen weekdays only, typically within the morning clinic, with appointments being 10am. However, they do attempt to be accommodating where possible for their patients.

Is there training available to wider professionals?

The Hazlehurst Centre team are happy to provide and welcome requests for training to wider professionals.

Please contact the Paediatric Services Lead, Emily Callaghan via who will help facilitate this.

Further information

For further information, please visit


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