Safeguarding Week
19th-23rd June 2023
Welcome to West Yorkshire Safeguarding Week 2023!
During the week there will be range of FREE learning and development offers across the district for all those who work or volunteer with children, adults, and their families.
Take a look below for more details and how to book your place via EventBrite.

Wakefield Masterclass:
Trauma Informed Care, a Lifespan Perspective
Wednesday 21st June 09:15 - 12:15
Wednesday 21st June 09:15 - 12:15
Wakefield Safeguarding Children Partnership, Wakefield Safeguarding Adults Board and Safer Together Partnership are hosting a virtual Masterclass on Trauma Informed Care, a Lifespan Perspective on Wednesday 21st June at 9.15am for all those who work or volunteer with children, adults, and their families.
With input from the West Yorkshire Adversity, Risk and Resilience Steering Group, Education Psychology, the Emotional Wellbeing Team and Youth Justice as well as CAMHS and Turning Point there will be an opportunity to share knowledge, network and learn more about being trauma aware.
We welcome engagement from all our partners accross the district!

Take a look at what else is on during Safeguarding Week...
11:00am - 12:00 How to complete an Organisational Safeguarding AssessmentShow detailsA step-by-step look at how to undertake a safeguarding assessment for your organisation
For more details and to book your place click here
12:55 - 14:00 An introduction to Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)Show detailsThis workshop will help you understand how the Disclosure and Barring Service helps employers make safer recruitment decisions.
For more details and to book your place click here
14:10 - 15:30 Financial Abuse and SafeguardingShow detailsFree on-line session available to care and support practitioners, volunteers and community groups in West Yorkshire.
For more details and to book your place click here
14:00 - 16:00 Domestic Homicide Reviews Briefing: Overall LearningShow detailsOverall learning from Domestic Homicide Reviews completed in Leeds.
For more details and to book your place click here
10:00 - 12:30 Mental Capacity Act - Morning Networking EventShow detailsMental Capacity Act (Making decisions) - What does it mean for you in your role?
Brian Jackson House 2 New North Parade Huddersfield HD1 5JP For more information and to book your place click here
12:30 - 15:00 Mental Capacity Act - Afternoon Networking EventShow detailsMental Capacity Act (Making decisions) - What does it mean for you in your role?
Brian Jackson House 2 New North Parade Huddersfield HD1 5JP For more information and to book your place click here
09:15 - 12:15 MASTERCLASS Trauma Informed Care: A Lifespan PerspectiveShow detailsThis virtual Masterclass will provide an opportunity to share some innovative trauma informed practices taking place across the Wakefield District and will cover:
An overview from the West Yorkshire Adversity, Trauma and Resilience Partnership
Education Psychology: An Introduction to trauma including brain development, ACE’s, attachment theory and the therapeutic approach to PACE ((playfulness, acceptance, curiosity, and empathy).
CAMHS: overview of the Future in Mind Mental Health Support Team (FIM MHST) and the work that they are doing across the district to raise awareness and understanding of trauma and helpful ways of responding and creating a safe and nurturing environment for children and young people. This is based on the team’s key messages – Behaviour is communication, A significant adult in school is key – relationships are vital, students need to feel safe to learn and thrive, Interaction can be an intervention and Staff wellbeing is essential as a priority to supporting students, parents, carers and colleagues
Diving deeper into vulnerable groups:
Wakefield Youth Justice Service: The journey of introducing the Formulation model outlining practice using Case Studies
Wakefield Emotional Well Being Team – Overview of EWBT, joint agency pathways with CAMHS and the importance of self-reflection in building a resilient team.
There will also be an opportunity for a Q&A and the wider partnership to share good practice in our Knowledge Exchange!
For more details and to book your place click here
(Please note there may be some last minute changes to the agenda)
10:00 - 13:00 Cot to College to Childbearing Ages in AdulthoodShow detailsA talk to cover how difficult home experiences such as adversity, poverty, crime, technology influenced behaviours and trauma, can impact early experiences through to adolescence, and leave a legacy in the adult spACE
For more details and to book your place click here
10:00 - 10:30 Pediatric Dental NeglectShow detailsThis session aims to discuss how to recognise and respond to paediatric dental neglect, including the need for multi-agency working.
For more details and to book your place click here
11:00 - 12:00 Barriers to Child NeglectShow detailsDr Ruth Skelton a leading paeditrician will give a talk on neglect and will be aimed at those working in child protection.
For more details and to book your place click here
13:00 - 14:30 Neglect and Safeguarding AdultsShow detailsThis session is for any front-line workers or managers who want to know more about neglect and how it fits with safeguarding adults work.
For more details and to book your place click here