Please find resources, toolkits, training and advice on issues around neglect, or click on the associated pages link above to access our Neglect for professionals page.
Your 'How to' Guide: WSCP Neglect Toolkit
WSCP recorded training
by Karron Zelei.
Understand Neglect and how to use the toolkit within your organisation.
PLEASE NOTE: This video was recorded in august 2023 prior to the release of the New Working Together document, the content is still relevant to practitioners.
Child Neglect and Poverty Aware Practice
Key Note at the 2020 WSCP Winter Conference Dr Susannah Bowyer, Assistant Director Research in Practice
The presentation draws together key messages from a range of research, practice expertise and the voices of families on developing poverty aware practice in response to concerns about child neglect.
Theraputic Interventions: After abuse or neglect
A quick guide for practitioners and managers supporting children, young people and families
Abuse and neglect can have a long-lasting impact on the health and wellbeing of children and young people.
It is important to know how to respond, and the evidence suggests that the interventions from NICE (National Institute for Health & Care Excellence) may be effective for children and young people.

Michelle's Story
This is the story of Michelle and her experience of neglect as she was growing up.
Produced by LSCB x 3
Neglect during the pandemic
A series of short videos by Jan Horwath
Click here to watch episode one: Understanding the Lived Experience of Neglected Children and Young People During Lockdown - The First Step to Effective Intervention
Click here to watch episode two: Living with Disorganised Neglect During Lockdown - Implications for Practice During the ‘New Normal’
Click here to watch episode three: Living with Emotional Neglect During Lockdown - Implications for Practice During the ‘New Normal’
Click here to watch episode four: Living with Depressed, Passive and Physical Neglect During Lockdown - Implications for Practice During the ‘New Normal’