Child Exploitation
Please find below a variety of podcasts, e-learning, recorded training, guidance and presentations in relation to child exploitation
Criminal exploitation with Rebecca Weaver by Safeguarding Days
A specialist criminal exploitation worker with Barnardo’s talks about developing a programme of proactive intervention and support for Children & Young People at risk of exploitation. This podcast is 28 minutes.
Click here to listen to this podcast
Cultural barriers to disclosing child sexual abuse by Farrer & Co Race Equality Taskforce
Important questions raised around the issues of disclosing abuse in minority communities, and examining what needs to change to protect those at risk. This podcast is 39 minutes.
Click here to listen to the podcast
Child Sexual Abuse Material: It's not too big a problem to solve
Access to Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) has more than doubled globally during the COVID-19.
Pixels from a crime scene: it's not too big a problem to solve by Internet Watch Foundation features the story of online child sexual abuse through the words of victims, those working to eradicate it, law enforcement, internet companies and even perpetrators.
Click here for access to the podcast (3hrs)
Click here to watch a summary presentation of the podcast by WSCP (45mins)
NEW Sibling Sexual Abuse - The Last Taboo?
With exclusive access to research – the first of its kind – BBC FileOn4 investigates what could be the most common form of sexual abuse that happens within families: sibling sexual abuse.
Keep Them Safe: Protecting Children from Child Sexual Exploitation by Virtual College
This course will be of interest to those working with children and will help practitioners to understand child sexual exploitation, find out how to spot the signs and know where to report your concerns.
Click here to access this e-learning
EPACT UK Training on Child Trafficking
‘In Your Hands’ e-learning course about child trafficking is appropriate for all professionals who may work with children who may have been trafficked.
Click here to access this e-learning
NEW SARSAS - Trauma & Recovery the self help guide
This course is designed for survivors of rape or sexual abuse who want to understand and process their reactions to their experiences. An exellent sign-posting resource for survivors.
Click here to access the self help guide
NEW SARSAS - Responding to Disclosures
An introduction to those supporting poeple affected by sexual violence and abuse.

Ivison Trust
External Training
Child exploitation training for professionals is informed by 23 years’ of working one-to-one with parents of exploited children. It covers sexual exploitation, child criminalisation (county lines), modern slavery and radicalisation.
NEW: A Message from CSAAS (Children's Sexual Abuse Assesment Service)
also known to many professionals as the Paediatric SARC (Sexual Assault Referral Centre).When you are working with a child or young person who has made a disclosure or you have a professional concern that the child or young person has been sexually abused, please ensure to contact Mountain Healthcare Limited (provider of West Yorkshire Paediatric SARC) on 0330 223 0099.
Clinic hours are Monday-Saturday (10-6pm) and Sundays/Bank Holidays (11-4pm). However, we are open 24/7 where a clinician will be available to provide advice.
Please click here to read the full article and to learn more about assessment and referrals to SARC
NEW: The Children's Society Child Exploitation & Abuse: an appropriate language guide
Please click here to view the guide.For more information by The Children’s Society on appropriate language, please click here.
NEW - Guidance around supporting survivors of Child Sexual Abuse
Marie Collins Foundation
These new resources have been written by a group of victims and survivors who have worked alongside MCF to deliver guidance to inform practice so that the correct support is in place for all victims and survivors who wish to share their experiences going forward.
Click here to view the guidance for both organisations and for victims and survivors.
NEW - Centre of Expertise on child Sexual Abuse
E-learning - Identifying and responding to intra-familial child sexual abuse
Practice Resources (scroll down to the video series)
NEW Knife Crime Resources
The Ben Kinsella Trust #StopKnifeCrime
Free online resources for parents, children and young people and people who work with children, young people and their families.
West Yorkshire Police's Knife Crime Resources
Free online resources for parents, children and young people and people who work with children, young people and their families.
NEW Hate Crime Resources
Wakefield Council's information page
Wakefield Council have created a page committed to sharing information, facts, videos and resources on Knife Crime.
General Awareness of Modern Slavery by Amy Morris, West Yorkshire Police
This session covers the Modern Slavery Act, types of modern slavery, vulnerabilities and control methods used by traffickers as well as a brief overview of the National Referral Mechanism which offers support to any potential victim identified. 61 Mins
Click here to view the presentation
Adolescence Vulnerabilities, Risk and Exploitation Case Study by CVE team
Click here to access the case study
Child Criminal Exploitation: The Local Picture
An overview of County Lines, including who is vulnerable, signs to look for, the terminology used and an overview of what’s

Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)
by Esther Bottomley – Spectrum Community Health CIC
- What is Child Sexual Exploitation?
- What should you look for?
- How can we HELP?
- What is the RESPECT programme?
Identifying & Responding to Concerns of Child Sexual Abuse
by Centre of Expertise on Child Sexual Abuse
Gain an insight into the scope, scale and impact of child sexual abuse.
Watch this series of videos to learn to identify concerns of child sexual abuse and how to respond.
Modern slavery and human trafficking
by National Crime Agency
Could you spot the signs of modern slavery?