WSCP E-Bulletin - January's Edition Now Available!
The January edition of the Wakefield Safeguarding Children Partnership (WSCP) e-bulletin is now available for you to download. This edition is packed full of useful information and key updates including:
- WSCP Learning Exchange Events - If you weren't able to attend the events at the time or just want a refresher, all were recorded and links to access them are included in this latest edition of the ebulletin.
- E-Bulletin Evaluation Survey Feedback - Thank you to all those who completed our annual evaluation survey, have a look at the feedback received, and our responses to the suggestions that have been put forward.
- Multi-Agency Training Opportunities - There is an abundance of training opportunities for you to book onto in this edition ranging from Multi-Agency Neglect: A Shared Responsibility Training, Partnership Intelligence Portal (PIP) Training, Every Sleep a Safe Sleep Bespoke Training for Nurseries and Childminders, plus much much more. Check it out and see if there is anything that could be of use to you in your day-to-day practice, details of how to book onto all the training courses are detailed in the ebulletin.
- Safer Sleep Advice for Dads/Males Carers - We understand that a lot of safer sleep information is targeted at mums/female carers, but it is just as important this information is shared with dads/male carers. This edition features the "Lift the Baby Campaign" showing how to care for a baby using a rugby ball as an example!
- Child Sexual Abuse Directory of Support - The directory is published by the Centre of Expertise on Child Sexual Abuse and if you input your post code it details the support services that are available in the local area.
- Top Safety Tips for Families - The Child Accident Prevention Trust (CAPT) have suggested three simple actions families could commit to this year which will help keep babies and young children safe in the home.
- Plus much much more!
Please click here to access the latest edition to find out more about the above, and to keep up to date with all the latest developments concerning safeguarding children in Wakefield and our latest training, events and updated guidance.
Did you know past copies of all ebulletin's are available and can be accessed here, just in case you didn't get chance to read them in full when they were first published.