Please find links to useful resources, webinars and podcasts to support children in relation to LGBTQIA+
Coming Out As Trans
Philosophy Tube
This video explores what it's like to be transgender
The Cass Review And The Truth About Trans Health Care
what are the myths and realities about healthcare for trans people - and what happens next?
Take a look at more resources on 'Ending Conversion Therapy - Advocacy News & Resources'
Webinar Series
Working with the seldom heard: the LGTBQ+ community
Safeguarding Transgender Children
In this two-part podcast, trans rights experts Robin White and Dr Bianca Jackson discuss the key issues with Katie Fudakowski and Sophia Coles of our Safeguarding Unit, offering clear and practical guidance on the law, best practice and how to effectively safeguard children affected by this topic.

Mike's Story
by Barnardo's
Fighting for the rights of those who identify as LGTBQ. The same life chances and experiences as everyone else...
SafeLives - ending Domestic AbuseShow detailsSpotlight #6: LGBTQIA+ and domestic abuse
Legal Frameworks
Equality Act 2010
UN Convention on rights of a child UNICEF
Keeping children safe in education updates
School RSE policy what to include
DRAFT Guidance
Gender questioningFind out more
Understand more about gender questioning
Review of gender identityFind out more
The CASS review - Independent review of gender identity services for children and young people
Commentary on guidance
Trans Guidance for England's schoolsFind out more
read more
Transphobic bullyingFind out more
Newton Carey gives his view after draft guidance was issued by the UK government
Gender questioning childrenFind out more
a summary of the legal position for schools
Equality watchdog...Find out more
advises government on gender questioning children guidance for schools
Other resources
Sexuality and gender - Spectrum Sexual Health Information about sexuality and gender from Spectrum Sexual Health A advocacy website with useful resources and academic research around intersex youth.
The Asexual Visibility and Education Network | A useful website with information about asexuality
Understanding Pronouns - LGBT Foundation Information around different pronouns and how to use them
Harvard Implicit Bias a website with tests that you can take to better understand your own implicit biases.
The Proud Trust - Home of LGBT+ Youth information for professionals, young people and parents/carers of LGBTQIA+ youth. Includes useful resources and a chat function to speak with a counsellor.